Sound Analysis
22 September

Sound Analysis

Wmutes offer the best muted sound quality of the market, and this is no coincidence. They have been years of search criteria and tests with all kind of materials, designs and fastening systems. In this process, the ear has played in a key role, but obviously the analysis of the harmonic spectrum had been very helpful to take the correct path on each step. Although personally I trust more the ear than acoustic studies I want to share with you a resume of these analysis in order to issue a more scientific and objective Opinion about WMutes's muted sound quality.
Here we see the screenshots of  the harmonic spectrum of the standard rubber mute (A) and the Concert WMute (B). We have taken as an example an A3 on the 3rd string of a violin but most important frequencies had been tested with similar results. 
   A                                                                                        B
The results might seem similar, and in fact they are, but if we overlap the WMute and the Standard rubber mute results we can clearly notice the differences. The resulting pink color indicates the superposition of colors:
.               .
Encircled in green we can see that WMutes provide a much richer spectrum of the major harmonic frequencies (the sixteen harmonics that are each note), while killing secondary frequencies as much or even more than the standard rubber mute. This results in a much cleaner and richer muted sound, free of interferences and "trash" frequencies. At the same time we can observe the great difference in intensity of the second major harmonic and this is indicative that the resulting sound is much purer, thus respecting the original color and timbre of each instrument.
Frequencies lower than 150Hz (yellow) are also strengthened on tha WMute, indicating a pinch of resonance in the resulting muted sound.
Finally, circled in blue, we can notice that the zone between the 4khz and the 16khz comes out also slightly reinforced. This is the area of speech intelligibility and we can figure out that the resulting sound is clearer, more focused and concise.
Listed here a short compartison sound test of WMutes and standard mutes.

Click the text to listen its audio track.

Obviously no sound editing is added, just a fade-out at the end of every track.

WITHOUT MUTE: Natural violin sound

CONCERT WMUTE: Violin with Concert WMute 

STANDARD MUTE: Violin with standard mute 

PRACTICE WMUTE: Violin with practice WMute 

STANDARD PRACTICE MUTE: Violin with standard practice mute